
Ming's Artisan Winery
明酒坊源自Fraser Highway Brewmasters, 一个 创建于1991年的老字号自酿酒坊。FHB曾经是大温地区最著名的自酿酒坊之一。 FHB的蜂蜜酒独具匠心,营养美味深受新老顾客的好评。
根据客户的反馈和蜂蜜酒良好的市场前景,我们正在转型创建一个商业酒庄 Ming's Artisan Winery 专注于蜂蜜酒的生产和推广。新的酒牌正在申办过程中,预计今年五六月份可以正式开始营业。届时,我们的产品将可以在市场销售瓶装的产品,包括在我们的自营店、网络销售、酒类零售商店,和出口海外市场。
联系人:李 明
地址:#11 8207 Swenson Way Delta, BC V4G 1J5.
Company name:
Canada Mead Brewing Ltd.
Business name:
Ming's Artisan Winery
Ming's Artisan Winery originated from Fraser Highway Brewmasters, a Ubrew store was found in 1991. It was one of the famest Ubrew stores in Great Vancouver Area.
While FHB made high quality wines and beers for our customers, we also developed a new line of products - Mead (Honey Wine). Our craft Mead made from Canadian honey and local fruits. It's tasty and healthy.
To promote Mead, we transfer our business to a commercial winery - Ming's Artisan Winery. Hopefully, we can get the winery licence in May or June this year.
With the new winery licence, we'll sell bottled mead and wine in our store front, liquor store, as well as over sea market.
Contact: Ming Li
Address: #11 Swenson Way, Delta BC V4G 1J5
Phone: 778-859-5186
Email: mingli20133@gmail.com

美味中餐 Best Gardens
地址:1284 56 St, Delta, BC V4L 2A4
电话:(604) 943-3818

#101-1315 56th Street,Delta, BC