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洛杉矶湖人队两名球员COVID-19测试呈阳性 Two Los Angeles Lakers players have tested positive for COVID-19, team says

来源:The Global And Mail


湖人没有确定两名被感染的球员,但表示由于3月10日对阵布鲁克林篮网的比赛,该队的运动员接受了公共卫生官员的推荐测试。 篮网的四名球员测试为阳性。

Two Los Angeles Lakers players have tested positive for coronavirus, the NBA franchise said on Thursday, and have been quarantined under the care of the basketball team’s doctor.

The Lakers did not identify the two infected players but said the team’s athletes were tested on the recommendation of public health officials because of a March 10 game against the Brooklyn Nets. Four players on the Nets have since tested positive.

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