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Health Minister Adrian Dix and Chief Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry provide an update on COVID-19. DON CRAIG / PNG

COVID-19: B.C. eyes potentially starting to ease extraordinary restrictions in mid-May

卫生官员周五说,如果人们继续控制冠状病毒的传播,不列颠哥伦比亚省可能在5月中旬开始取消一些限制。在从计算机建模中发布信息以指导决策时,安省发出强烈警告,如果过早或过分放松特殊限制,将导致COVID-19案件激增。卑诗省的计算机建模卑诗大学协助下的疾病控制中心西蒙·弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)表示,放宽限制,允许人们回到正常的社会交往的80%至100%,这将导致需要重症监护病床的人们在数周内急剧增加。周五发布的信息表明,诸如关闭学校和大学,关闭酒吧等,这有助于降低COVID-19的传播速度。

没有发生像意大利那样的最坏情况(该省曾使用该情况来确保其有足够的医院容量)。 意大利努力检查该病毒,到周五该病毒已杀死该国22,000多人。 根据约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的统计数据,全球有153,000多人死亡,其中包括美国近37,000人。 公元前 与意大利或美国相比,该国已经有78例死亡,死亡率也较低。截至周五中午,在24小时内没有宣布其他死亡事件,但官员报告了另外43例COVID-19病例。 公元前 现在已经有1,618例COVID-19病例,但是其中574人仍然生病。

原文摘自: Vancouver Sun(

Article content British Columbia could begin lifting some restrictions by mid-May if people continue to keep the spread of the coronavirus in check, health officials said Friday. In releasing information from computer modelling that will guide its decisions, the province issued a strong warning  that if it were to relax extraordinary restrictions too early or too much, it would result in a surge in COVID-19 cases. Computer modelling by the B.C. Centre for Disease Control with the assistance of the University of B.C. and Simon Fraser University shows lifting restrictions to allow people to go back to 80 per cent to 100 per cent of normal social contacts would result within weeks in a huge jump in people requiring critical care hospital beds. The information released Friday showed that restrictive measures such as closing schools and universities and shutting pubs and social distancing, where people stay two metres away from those not in their households, have helped reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19.

A worst-case scenario like that experienced by Italy — which the province had used to ensure it had adequate hospital capacity — has not happened.

Italy struggled to check the virus which had killed more than 22,000 people in that country by Friday. Worldwide there are more than 153,000 deaths, including nearly 37,000 in the U.S., according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

B.C. has had 78 deaths and a lower mortality rate than Italy or the U.S. There were no additional deaths announced for the 24 hours ending noon Friday, but officials reported 43 additional cases of COVID-19. B.C. has now had 1,618 cases of COVID-19 but, of those, 574 people remain ill.

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